Health News

Flu Leads to Higher Chance of Parkinson’s
Avoiding and caring for any illness is important, but what if there wasn't a known cure or preventative program for your condition? Although this is the case for those living with Parkinson's disease (PD), a better understanding of the condition is underway.
She Works Hard for Her Money
It's no secret that not having enough money to live day to day can increase parents’ anxiety. But is an insecure financial situation enough to cause someone to have an anxiety disorder?
Young Track Athletes Running Into Injuries
Participating in any sporting activity carries at least some risk of injury. New findings indicate that school track sports are disproportionately injuring young athletes. Why are track events injuring so many young people?
A Moment of Awe Can Stop Time
The Grand Canyon. A mountain peak. An incredible sunset layered with pink, violet, red and orange. Whale watching. The pyramids. They all inspire awe. That could help our mental health.
Airway Infection May Lead to Asthma
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which can lead to lung and airway infections, is a major cause of respiratory problems in children. Could RSV infection be a precursor to asthma?
Eating Disorders, Drinking and Drug Use
Girls with eating disorders could be at risk for other adverse behaviors. Some eating disorders have gone unnoticed because these girls binge or purge just under diagnostic criteria.
Memory Loss: When Should you Report it?
Some changes in memory are expected as we age, but when should memory changes be assessed by a doctor? The answer may be that you know your mind the best.
Mapping Key to Arrhythmia Treatment for Kids
A small study that examined a procedure to produce three-dimensional maps of children's hearts could mark a step forward in repairing heart rhythm disorders in young patients.
Putting Your Mind Where Your Mouth Is
What if some of our health problems stemming from food didn’t come from what we are eating but how we are eating it?
Cough and Bladder Control in COPD
Millions of American have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - one of the most common lung diseases. With COPD affecting so many people, how does it affect our quality of life?