Health News

HIV Drugs Help Fewer Americans
More Americans than ever before are benefiting from lifesaving HIV treatment. But anti-HIV drugs might not be helping as many people as previously believed.
Preventing Teen Violence
Teaching teens impulse control and social awareness could be a cost-effective crime prevention plan. Residual benefits from this program could last a lifetime for at-risk youth.
More Surgery Often Needed After Lumpectomy
If the breast tumor is small enough and it's early stage, most women choose to have breast conserving surgery called a lumpectomy. New research suggests this choice can lead to more surgeries. At least in England.
Lose Weight, Control Asthma
If you're obese, your body may be under stress. Carrying all that extra weight can increase your risk of many health problems, including asthma. If you already have asthma, obesity can make it worse.
Echoes for Athletes
Though sudden cardiac arrest in normal healthy athletes is rare, it still happens. What if one more test could help spot heart problems before they start?
Energy Drinks May be Risky
Energy drinks may be all the rage for a certain set of on-the-go young people, but are they safe? These caffeinated concoctions are said to help people focus, overcome lethargy, and provide fuel for a night of partying. Now, some researchers say there are risks involved, especially when mixed with alcohol, and that energy drinks need more scrutiny. Americans love their coffee, and energy drinks can be thought of as just another delivery system for caffeine, one of the world's favorite drugs, and one of the very few enjoying something with establishment approval. Back in the 199...
Dementia Drug Doing Well
There are few medications currently approved to treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A new type of drug shows early promise in clinical trials.
Risky Behavior and PTSD Go Hand in Hand
Veterans returning from war face many challenges reintegrating into civilian life. Those experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often find it particularly difficult, and react in many different ways that may include engaging in risky behavior.
Childhood Abuse & Adult Smoking
Researchers have found a link between childhood trauma in girls and becoming a smoker later in life.  The same link could not be found with male smokers.
How Do Vitamins and Liver Cancer Mix?
If you're researching how vitamins, minerals and antioxidants affect your cancer risk, good luck getting a straight answer. A new study shows vitamin E may be your friend and vitamin C may be your foe.