Health News

Staying Fit to Stay Alive
Exercise is good for just about everyone. The fitter you are, the better you'll feel. Fitness is especially important when it comes to diabetes and heart problems.
Does Pollen Make Bipolar Depression Worse?
Do allergic reactions affect bipolar depression? Could an immune reaction to pollen compromise one's mental health?
A Boxing Match in the Sack?
A little unconscious kick or punch from a partner during sleep isn't too bad, but if nighttime feels like a boxing match, a rare and serious sleep disorder may be to blame.
Are You Happy Because You Buy?
After making a purchase, a person may experience a range of emotions because the purchase has an affect on their overall life-satisfaction. What impacts overall life-satisfaction more is the motivation or reason behind the purchase. 
Vitamin D May Help Chase Blues Away
Depression, as a result of a vitamin D deficiency, is easy to test for and easy to fix.  One major risk factor for a vitamin D deficiency is not getting enough exposure to sunlight.
HIV Testing Coming to Pharmacies
If you could walk into your local pharmacy and get tested for HIV as easily as you get your annual flu shot, would you be more likely to learn your status?
When RA Gets Complicated
Rheumatoid arthritis can last a lifetime. As the years pass, the inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis can spread to other organs, causing a variety of health problems. In some cases, the complications of rheumatoid arthritis can be deadly.
Keeping Breast Cancer Risks on the Move
Exercise. Physical activity. Moving. Along with a clean and colorful diet, there's almost nothing better you can do for your body than move. The fact is we have to keep moving to keep moving, and here's another reason why.
Blood Test Tracks RA Activity
Managing rheumatoid arthritis can be difficult, especially because the disease can get worse before symptoms surface or worsen.
It's Test Day: Get Tested for HIV
On June 27, National HIV Testing Day encourages all Americans to learn their HIV status. It may be the most important test you take!