Health News

Most Diabetes Programs Do Their Job
Even though the rate of type 2 diabetes is growing quickly, the disease can be prevented. Simple lifestyle choices can change the course of diabetes. To fight diabetes, patients often need more support and access to care.
Blood Supply Dangerously Low
The American Red Cross is calling for blood and platelet donations after announcing that the United States blood supply has reached emergency levels and is dangerously low.
Daily Java May Cut Heart Failure Risk
In another round of good news for those of us who can't get going without a couple of morning cups of 'Joe'. Researchers say daily coffee consumption might lower your risk of heart failure.
Kidney Disease Raises Heart Attack Risk
A human body is a network of interconnected systems. This means one unhealthy organ can cause problems in an entirely different part of the body. Often, it is the heart that takes the blow.
Snack Time Puts Kids at Risk
Kids can control their health by controlling which button they push at the vending machine. Their snack time selection affects not only their current weight but their future health as well.  
FDA Delays Blood Thinner Eliquis Again
United States Food and Drug Administration officials today delayed approval of Eliquis ( apixaban ) to prevent stroke or systemic embolism in patients with a common heart arrhythmia for the second time.
Measuring Life in Years, Not Months
Brain cancer is never a good diagnosis. People who learn they have glioblastoma multiforme ( GBM ) usually live a bit longer than a year after diagnosis.
Could a Little Shut Eye Help Parkinson’s?
One of the great difficulties associated with Parkinson’s disease is muscle control. Shaking in the arms and hands are common symptoms, but a new study shows a natural remedy may help.
Office Space Germs
Most Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors, right along with 500 different kinds of bacteria. The majority of the bacteria come from human bodies.
Weather Linked to Migraines
It may be time to add another item to the list of potential migraine triggers. A new study suggests that some migraine sufferers may be sensitive to weather changes.