Health News

Stronger Muscles Survive Cancer Better
A person's overall health at the time cancer strikes does have an impact on their survival. A new study shows that this is especially true for melanoma patients of all ages.
Seniors Haven't Adjusted to Declining Sight
With age, it's not uncommon to experience increased falls. But many also experience a decline in sight and tend to have difficulty in compensating for their impairment.
Natural Defense Against Bacterial Infections
The lovely, aromatic herb coriander is a staple of Mediterranean cuisine. Oil from the plant may also have important medicinal value, according to a new study.
Your Saliva may Soon Reveal Your Cancer Risks
Estimating a person's risk of cancer, or presence of the disease, usually involves a number of tests. That may change if researchers can perfect a test currently being developed.
Reducing Muscle Damage After a Heart Attack
It had been suggested there was a way to reduce the amount of heart muscle damage after a heart attack. New research shows the method that had been believed to help does not cut muscle damage.
Mindless Eating is Stronger Than Will Power
Is popcorn a necessity for you when you go to the movies? If it is, you probably don't even notice the quality of the popcorn. Mindless eating habits like these can be a real problem.
A "Dose" of Obesity
Being obese is already known to raise the risk for type 2 diabetes. Now, it seems that the "dose" of obesity - the amount of excess weight a person carries and for how long - has an effect on that person's risk.
Heart Disease is in Your DNA
Both genetics and lifestyle play a part in developing coronary heart disease. It's long been debated which plays the larger role. A new study suggests it may be the genes.
Athletes Getting Bullied
A coach’s job is to make athletes the best they can be for the team, while providing support and guidance for individual team members. However, some coaches might be taking it too far.
What's The Benefit From Lengthier CPR
Standards for the length of time cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed vary, though recent research had suggested a longer period of up to three minutes could be beneficial.