Health News

Psoriasis Drugs Not Linked to Cardiovascular Problems
Early reports indicating drugs treating psoriasis were linked to major cardiovascular events seem to lack evidence.
Victims of Bullying Suffer Academically
Childhood and adolescent bullying, particularly at school, is a growing problem for our youth. Since the shootings at Columbine High School in 1999, the severity and tragic consequences of bullying has received more attention.
Low-Cost Hand-Held Device Detects Cancer
People living in poor countries have minimal access to basic healthcare, and sophisticated cancer tests are non-existent. Researchers are developing a device that could change that.
Older Women Up Cancer Ante by Smoking
The younger a smoker is that decides to quit, obviously the better for their health. Women in their golden years can receive immediate benefits from quitting.
Gene Mutation Increases Cancer Risks
The battle against the power of cancer is being waged largely on the genetic front these days. Scientists have discovered another gene that could be targeted to treat two forms of the disease.
Shorten Up Medications After Stenting
For patients with coronary disease, taking medication to prevent blood clots for up to two years provides no additional benefit in avoiding adverse heart events as compared to taking it for six months.
Rabies to the Rescue
A virus that's in the rabies family holds promise in fighting a rare but lethal form of cancer found in children and young adults. Yale University researchers are working with this virus as a potential treatment.
Tough Toughing Out Allergy Season
With ragweed season having already arrived in most parts of the country, many decide not to treat their allergies or assume they just have a cold or sinus infection.
9/11 Firefighters Battle Cancer
The 9/11 nightmare lives on in the bodies - as well as the minds - of firefighters who were on the scene that fateful day. New research shows these heroes live with increased risks of cancer.
Less Flashing When Fleshier
Very few things are reported to improve with increased weight and advancing age, but hot flashes may be one of them.