Health News

Fatty Heart is Bad News
When it comes to your body, most types of fat have negative implications. Fat around the heart is no different. It may cause heart disease even in healthy individuals, especially in men.
The Most Common Cancer in Men
Prostate cancer runs in his family, and there's nothing Don Hackett can do about that fact. His older brother was just diagnosed at the age of 61, and his father and grandfather have also dealt with the disease.
Limited Stent Use Successful
Some patients with coronary blockage benefit from medicine-coated stents to prop the artery open. A new study confirms stents are safe with limited use.
Fresh Eyes On Early Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis researchers are bringing in the big boys in a team effort to improve early detection and earlier effective therapies.
Weight Weighing Life Down
Weight management can be difficult at any age. It is important to achieve and maintain an ideal weight even as we age because life expectancy can decrease with excess weight.
Stutterers's Brain Not Organized
Stuttering that starts in childhood and continues into adulthood is uncommon. Those who find the condition lingering may be using a different part of their brain to process the speech.
Sleepless Cancer Patients
Treatment for all kinds of cancers can have many side effects, including nausea, anxiety, liver problems and lung disease. Now it is also reported that more than half of cancer patients suffer insomnia.
The Vitamin D and Skin Cancer Quandry
After a host of scientific studies linking low levels of vitamin D and various diseases, here comes a study that suggests just the opposite. But maybe not. Don't you just love conflicting health news?
Ground Beef Recall
National Beef Packing Co. recalled ground beef products that have been distributed nationally due to E. coli contamination found in Ohio. Read on for details and safety preparation tips.
Gout Gets the Royal Treatment
Gout, formerly linked with Europe's royal families, has made its way to middle America. Since 1990, U.S. cases have increased by 50 percent, making it a modern-day royal pain in the joints.