Health News

Beer Tasting for Iron
Beer is not the most nutritious beverage available, but there is at least one advantage dark beer has over light beer and non-alcoholic beer – more iron. But why should one cares about iron?
Herbs: What You Don't Know, Can Hurt You
When you buy herbal supplements do you notice possible side effects? You probably don't even think about it since most supplements don't have that information available.
Music to Your Fears
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." Bob Marley knew that to be true. And so do researchers who are finding that music soothes cancer patients on many levels.
Making the Heart Shine
Heart scarring after a stroke or heart attack makes it tough for the body to pump blood. A new "shining" technique that uses low-level lasers and bone marrow stem cells may help restore heart function.
Outbreak Free America Continued
Food has never been safer with the new revisions from the Food Safety Modernization Act. With these revisions the Food and Drug Administration has the power to prevent foodborne outbreaks.
Avoid a Stroke - See a Therapist
New findings may be enough to coax depressed individuals to seek treatment. Women who are depressed may be at an increased risk of having a stroke.
An Expensive Tanning Deal
Bronze, golden skin is part of the definition of American beauty. Many people have resorted to tanning beds, which seems to be accompanied by addiction and skin cancer. Researchers have found why tanners can’t stop tanning.
Robots Aid Stroke Survivors
Technology has paved the way for stroke survivors to strengthen a weaker arm. Robot-assisted therapy may better aid stroke victims in regaining mobility.
Genetic Link to Blinding Eye Disease Found
Genetic findings can often highlight certain populations that may be at a heightened disease risk. A gene mutation that can cause a blinding eye disease may be more likely to affect those of Jewish descent.
Spice Up Your Health
Spice up your life with some Spice Girls music. They will get you moving and grooving again, which is similar to what spices can do for your health. Spices provide antioxidants which get your heart dancing once again.