Health News

Crossing Guard For ADHD Kids!
"Hold hands and look both ways before crossing the street", is a common phrase. For children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), moms need to insert, "Make sure there are no cars coming before crossing the street."
Living Beyond 110
You may not have as much control over how long you live as you think. Sure, you can eat right, exercise and not smoke to avoid today's chronic killers. But lifestyle isn't the key to living to 100 and beyond.
Binge Drinking Not A Result Of Post-Traumatic Stress
Some people feel pain and express that pain, while others try their hardest to hide it. Alcohol is a common substance used to mask feelings, but does everyone use it to cope?
Rare Blood Disorder Gene Found
Some diseases are so rare that even figuring out how to diagnose them can be tricky. The discovery of a gene for an extremely rare blood disorder could help make it easier to diagnose through DNA testing.
Cranberries vs. Antibiotics
Botanical verses pharmaceutical. When it comes to urinary tract infections, women have to weigh the risks and benefits of both to find the remedy that's right for them.
A Cure for Sunburn May be on Horizon
Sunburns are not only painful, but we all know the bad health effects of sun damage. From melanoma and cataracts to premature aging, a sunburn is extremely harmful for your skin.
Nursing Home Falls Linked to Antidepressants
Depression is a very common diagnosis among the elderly, and nearly 1.6 million nursing home residents take some type of antidepressant. Unfortunately, some of these drugs seem to lead to an increased risk for falling.
Quality of Life Suffers for ADHD Children
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can negatively impact so many areas of a child's life - and that of his or her family. And the more severe the disorder, the more the quality of life suffers.
Psoriatic Arthritis Patients Need More Vitamin D
The right levels of major vitamins are important for your good health. Many medical conditions, such as psoriasis, can send those vitamin levels plummeting.
Multifunctional Tomatoes
Tomatoes are like the Superman of fruits and vegetables. There’s more to these tasty fruits than meets the eye. They already have health benefits, so what more can they do?