Health News

Where Men are Men and Allergens Scared
Men have deeper voices, stronger muscles  more body hair and less susceptibility to inflammatory diseases. Thanks very much, testosterone.
Your DNA Plays Greater Role in Heart Attack
A predisposition for heart attack risk is defined by genetics. Doesn't that mean the risks for heart diseases are the same? In fact, one particular risk seems to lead the way.
Pain Meds Are Not For Child's Play
There are all sorts of over-the-counter and prescription pain medications available today. Misuse of prescribed opioids can cause serious problems, though - especially when overuse begins in youth.
Oxygen as Healer
Cancer doesn't like an abundance of oxygen; the disease thrives in low-oxygen environments. A unique trial is under way evaluating if hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help brain cancer patients.
Seaweed is Always Greener Under the Sea
The slimy, icky gooey stuff floating in the ocean, more commonly known as seaweed, is a delicacy in some countries and even provides heart health benefits.
Sudden Heart Attack Predictors Identified
Researchers have long pondered whether it might be possible to predict the likelihood that someone will survive a heart attack. Certain traits may be good predictors.
Doctors Not Following Their DNA Orders
Established guidelines are in place for providing genetic counseling and testing for women at high risk for breast and ovarian cancers. A new study shows that doctors aren't following these recommendations.
Natural PMS Relief
If you're a woman, you know those days before the flow can be difficult, even hellish, for you - and those around you. Do not despair, nature has a remedy that's now clinically proven to work.
Preventing Heart Disease Delivers a ROI
Cardiovascular disease comes with a hefty price tag. Empowering each individual to take action preventing heart disease is a better long-term investment for health, according to a recent statement by the American Heart Association.
Cancer in America
Earlier this year, the American Cancer Society released the latest figures on the state of the nation's battle against the world's most dreaded disease. The good news is that cancer death rates are down across the board. The not-so-good news is that less educated Americans are dying prematurely in greater numbers.