Health News

Heart Flutter and Pain Relievers
Using over the counter medications can be confusing. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ), for example, are great for treating pain and inflammation, but are linked to an increased risk of other problems.
Teen Cancer Genius
She's 17 years old and lives in Fort Worth, Texas. And Shree Bose has made an important discovery about ovarian cancer. No wonder she won this year's Google Science Fair.
A Step Toward Prevention
A variety of neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's disease are defined by trademark protein clusters. Scientists have discovered a small protein that could aid in preventing Parkinson's disease.
Non-Smoker Lung Tumors are More Unstable
The best way to avoid lung cancer is to never pick up the smoking habit. Unfortunately, that's no guarantee for skirting deadly lung cancer disease.
FDA Drug Safety Communication: Tamiflu
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public of important product safety changes to the influenza drug Tamiflu ( oseltamivir phosphate) for oral suspension.
FDA approves Boostrix Vaccine
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved Boostrix vaccine to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) in people ages 65 and older.
Never Too Late to Quit Smoking for Baby
Nicotine addiction is one of the toughest habits to kick. Expecting moms have an added incentive: their newborn's health. For your baby, quitting early in pregnancy is almost as good as being a non-smoker.
Physicians Ignoring Care Guidelines?
Recommended guidelines for care exist for nearly every disease and condition. But for one form of cancer -- bladder -- 99 percent of patients are not receiving recommended care.
Getting Cancer Drugs to Market Faster
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has plenty of detractors. It's accused of being sluggish and too cumbersome in approving new medications, especially vitally important anti-cancer medications.
Surprising Mechanism Aids Cell Self Destruction
Excess amounts of fat and sugar force cells to self destruct when they can no longer stand the toxic environment. Scientists believe they now know why these overloaded cells commit suicide.