Health News

Slow and Steady Wins the Milk Allergy Race
In "The Tortoise and the Hare," the tortoise's slow, steady pace won the race with the too-quick-to-assume victory hare. This slow and steady approach seems to help kids in outgrowing dairy allergies.
Stimulating Ovaries in Older Women
In vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques involve using Clomid and Parlodel -- drugs that stimulate the ovaries to release a large number of eggs for fertilization.
Egg Yolks Aren't All Bad
Egg whites are known to be the healthy part of an egg, while egg yolks are often discarded because they seem to lack nutritional value and increase risk for diseases. This may not be completely true.
Sodium Limits Advised for Heart Health
A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension revealed that consuming less sodium would not lower the risk of heart disease or stroke. Now the American Heart Association is questioning the study's findings and trying to put that research into perspective.
Healthy Women Less Likely to Suffer Cardiac Death
It's no secret that following a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, exercise, avoiding tobacco and maintaining a low body weight helps improve overall health. New research suggests that when it comes to women it might also lower their risk of sudden cardiac death.
It's In the Genes
A protein created by a gene that causes Alzheimer’s disease prevents the brain from ridding itself of amyloid beta, the main culprit in the plaques and tangles that are hallmarks of the disease.
Commuting to Poorer Health
Does your child ride the bus or get a lift from a friend to go to school? These might not be the best ways to go. It’s better for kids to walk or cycle to school.
FDA approves Boostrix
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved Boostrix vaccine to prevent tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) in people ages 65 and older.
An Aspirin a Day may Keep Melanoma Away
Taking a low-dose aspirin a day is known to help ward off heart disease. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) protect against colorectal cancer. Now this same therapy may work to keep another serious disease at bay.
Therapeutic Injections May Aid Angina Sufferers
About 850,000 Americans suffer from refractory angina, a difficult-to-treat heart condition that causes chronic, severe chest pain and exercise intolerance. Now, patients may benefit from a new treatment involving injected stem cells.