Health News

Depression Can Sink a Failing Heart
Positive feelings can make a world of positive difference in a person’s health. For patients with failing hearts, however, negative feelings and depression can have the opposite effect.
Closing in On Why Kids Get Cancer
With some forms of cancer, race matters. New research may explain why Hispanic children are more prone to a type of blood cancer.
Possible Breast Cancer Prevention Strategy
The day has come when scientists are working on ways to prevent cancer from ever developing. It involves looking for certain genes in people at risk for various cancers.
Lifestyle Linked to RA
While the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, scientists are getting a better idea of what puts people at risk for this painful disease. It seems lifestyle may have a lot to do with that risk.
Your Right To Breathe Healthy
You may feel a little timid to ask people not to smoke around you. But asking for your right to breathe fresh air could have an important impact on your health.
When Treatment Can Make Things Worse
Relief from fibromyalgia symptoms can appear elusive. For some, the side effects that come with treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms make the cure seem worse than the disorder itself.
Doctor of the Day is the OB/GYN
Beyond a family practice or internal medicine doctor, women can visit their gynecologists for medical issues. Obstetrics and gynecology doctors, or OB/GYNs, can provide the same medical expertise and advice as a regular doctor.
One Year Later, the Brain Can Still Hurt
One major hit to the head is all it takes. Trouble focusing, headaches, lightheadedness and other symptoms can stick around with patients who have a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI).
Too Much Talking, Texting and Driving
People are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Yet many Americans still appear to report texting while driving or talking on cell phones while driving.
Skim Milk May Not Do a Kid's Body Better
Doctors often recommend that preschoolers drink skim milk to reduce their overall calorie intake. But it turns out lower fat milk may not help reduce the risk of obesity.