Health News

Urinary Tract Cancer Likes Heavy Smokers
Smoking cigarettes has been linked to a number of cancers and usually the risk for men and women are similar. But, with cancer in the urinary tract tissue, women seem to take the blow.
Drinking With Fibromyalgia
To drink or not to drink, it’s a common question for lots of people with health problems. For fibromyalgia patients, a little alcohol may help take the edge off.
Best Rx Treatments for ED
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is treatable with medication. A recent study suggested that some medications are better than others in treating ED. 
Diabetes Patients with Chest Pain
Diabetes patients have a high risk for coronary artery disease and as a result, they may have chest pain. A commonly used anti-anginal drug, however, can provide relief.
Targeting Chemo Kills Ovarian Cancer
In certain ovarian cancer cases, chemotherapy may be injected directly into abdominal area. Concentrating chemotherapy to the cancer site has its risks and rewards.
No Added Benefit From MS Medications
While there is no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), there are medications to manage the disease. Two of these medications work fairly well to control flare-ups. Could they work even better when combined?
Cholesterol Rx Good For Joints Too
Osteoarthritis and high cholesterol may seem like totally unrelated conditions. But as it turns out, the same medicines that lower cholesterol may also help prevent osteoarthritis. 
Paralyzed But Still Cycling
Just because someone can’t voluntarily move their legs doesn’t mean they can’t ride a bike. Researchers are taking a closer look at special exercise bikes for these patients.
Clean Teeth Love a Healthy Heart
Taking care of your teeth may provide more benefits than you think. Proper gum and tooth care is not only good for your oral health, but it might help your heart as well.
New Rx May Improve Quality of Life for Parkinson’s Pisease
Three studies released today present possible positive news for people with Parkinson’s disease.