Health News

Sedation and Cancer Screening Complications
Maybe you've heard people say they don't want to have a colonoscopy because bad things can happen. True – bad things can happen, but complications are very unusual.
Too Many Seniors Getting Colonoscopies?
During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we’ve been hearing about the vital importance of colorectal cancer screening. But some people may actually be getting screened too often.
Don't Lose Sight of Diabetic Eye Disease
One of the biggest concerns for diabetes patients is vision loss. While steroids and laser treatment can help when eye problems get severe, medications may offer clearer results.
Give Kids a Brain Boost with Exercise
Ever heard someone tell you that a particularly rambunctious child simply needs more exercise? Well, there may be something to that after all – for people of all ages.
Signs of Allergy Differ by Race
Even before children show signs of allergies, their body may already be reacting to allergens in the air or their food. Now, researchers have found that race may play a role in children's sensitivity to developing allergies.
New Mom Anxiety May Be Too Much
Once you have a baby, you realize the huge responsibility of taking care of another life. But it is possible to go overboard on worrying about your child's safety and well-being.
Expecting Twins? It's Your Call
Women who are pregnant with twins may often choose to have a planned cesarean section instead of giving birth vaginally. But is one method safer than the other?
What We Know About Iron Supplements
Parents often worry if their children are getting all the nutrients they need. Vitamins and supplements help fill in the gaps, but only if those supplements actually benefit a child.
Mentally Managing a Child's Illness
A child with a chronic illness can present a variety of hardships in a family. However, seeking therapy can reduce the mental health challenges these families face.
Whooping Cough Risks Among Kids Increase
Vaccines save lives by preventing a person from getting a disease or dramatically lowering their risks for the disease. But vaccines are not perfect. Their protection can wear off.