Health News

Real Frogs Not As Kid-Friendly as Kermit
Frogs and snakes may seem like low-maintenance pets for kids. But young children can become sick from contact with reptiles and amphibians.
Watch for Warning Signs of Child Abuse--EMBARGOED until 3/10/13 at 11:01pm CST
If possible victims of child abuse could be identified early on, it could save a lot of heartache and pain for everyone involved. Paying attention to babies' injuries may be an important step. A recent study found that infants who are victims of child abuse are more likely to have had another earlier unlikely injury when they were even younger – before they could even crawl. Among a group of abused and nonabused babies evaluated at a hospital, only the abused children had histories of previous injuries, such as bruising. The researchers found that babies with a suspicious minor inj...
Fruit Doesn’t Hurt Diabetes Control
While it's hard to find a healthier snack option than a piece of fresh fruit, some docs have expressed concern that the natural sugars in fruit may cause issues for people with type 2 diabetes. Researchers put this thought to the test.
When a Rash Isn’t Just a Rash
Every body develops a rash from time to time. But odd changes to the skin can also be a symptom of more serious health issues going on inside the body.
IUDs May Keep the Pain Away
Surgery to treat the pain caused by endometriosis is often effective, but it doesn't guarantee that the pain won't return. A method of birth control could help prevent pain from coming back.
Expanding Comfort Care
There are a number of facets to living with serious illness such as cancer. In addition to treating the cancer, a patient often needs pain relief and management of other symptoms. Who provides this care?
When Nail Polish Doesn't Work
A regular manicure and pedicure probably won't be enough to relieve the pain and yellowing nails found in people with nail psoriasis. Regular psoriasis treatments may be the way to go.
Weight Loss Surgery and Diabetes
For obese individuals who have had trouble losing weight, gastric bypass surgery may be an effective option. For those who also have diabetes, the surgery may come with an added bonus—stopping diabetes.
Sleeping Pills May Carry High Risks
When counting sheep and hot herbal tea doesn't work, people may turn to sleeping pills to help get a good night's rest. But the long-term risks of these medications may not be worth it.
Extra Vitamins Don't Always Fill the Void
Weaker bones that come with menopause might spur some women to load up on calcium and vitamin D. But supplements might not be enough to protect bones and prevent fractures.