Health News

Strong Acne Meds Okay for Gastro Tract
When birth control pills can't clear up acne in women, a stronger medicine is the next step. But doctors and patients have been concerned about a few of these medicines and their possible links to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
The Gapped Smile from Heavy Smoking
One consequence to smoking cigarettes is losing teeth. Women who are past menopause aren't free from that consequence: the heavier the smoker, the more likely they may be to lose their pearly whites.
Cancer Dictates Final Fate of Hugo Chavez
After a rigorous battle, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has died of cancer. He was 58. Chavez recently returned from Cuba, where he received the fourth and final surgery for cancer described imprecisely as “pelvic cancer.”
Heart Stoppers: Two Emergencies Often Confused
Often the terms 'cardiac arrest' and 'heart attack' are used interchangeably. These two heart emergencies, however, are very distinct, and knowing the difference can save lives.
Exercise Moot with Early Cancer
Exercise is useful in the fight against invasive cancer. But the effect exercise has on early forms of breast cancer might be different.
What Older Expectant Moms Can Expect
More women are waiting to have children until they are in their 30s. However, it's not clear if the experience of giving birth differs among older and younger pregnant women.
Which Hospitals are Better for Cancer Care?
Head and neck cancers include throat, tongue and mouth cancers. These tumors can show up anywhere in the oral cavity. Often detected after the cancer has already begun to spread, head and neck cancer treatment is a complex process. 
Southern Diet May Raise Stroke Risk
Fried chicken, ham, lots of butter and sweet tea are all staples of a traditional Southern diet. Although they're tasty, these foods may raise the risk of stroke.
Lowering Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Are you aware of the different types of screenings? And are you aware of which of these is the most effective?
The Subtle Signs of Ovarian Cancer
There is so much going on in a woman’s body, it‘s easy to overlook symptoms that are just annoying. Maybe you feel full early on as you’re eating a meal. Or you notice that you’re bloated. Then, for no particular reason, your jeans are tighter than usual.