Health News

Blood Pressure Before Blood Sugar
Heart disease is one of the most common complications of diabetes. As such, diabetes patients must keep a close eye on measures of heart health, including blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Summer Sun, Fun and Surgery Complications?
Teaching hospitals across the United States take on new residents and fellows during the month of July. Some believe that this changeover leads to poor quality of medical care while staff is adjusting to their new jobs, calling it the “July effect.”
ED Rx Okay While Treating Kidney Failure
Men with end-stage renal disease can be successfully treated with dialysis and transplants. But their quality of life may be interrupted by erectile dysfunction (ED). 
How To Triple Cancer Screening Participation
Doctors urge patients to start colorectal cancer screenings at age 50. But a large number of patients either ignore the recommendations or don’t get the screenings at all. Researchers have found a couple of ways to help folks get the test that could save their lives.
Alcohol Ads: What Do Kids See?
What do kids learn when they see TV advertisements that make drinking look awesome? They certainly aren’t learning to wait till they’re old enough.
Extra Weight and Slipped Discs
Carrying excess weight can aggravate your lower back and cause other musculoskeletal problems. But when it comes to slipped discs in the spine, not much is known about the effect of that excess weight.
Dental Health and Psoriatic Arthritis
Inflammation causes joint pain in people with psoriatic arthritis. It is also related to dental health. Does this make people with psoriatic arthritis at risk for dental health problems?
Skin Cancer & Sun-Sensitive Meds
Why do certain medications come with a warning that they can make people more sensitive to ultraviolet light? It’s because too much sun while on those meds can raise skin cancer risks.
Super Eating on Super Bowl Sunday
A 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl will cost just under $4 million. And Americans will spend more than 10 times that amount snacking during the game.
Ravicti for the Management of Urea Cycle Disorders Approved
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Ravicti (glycerol phenylbutyrate) for the chronic management of some urea cycle disorders (UCDs) in patients ages 2 years and older.