Health News

New Stent Keeps Arteries Unclogged
For patients with heart disease, stents have been a major breakthrough for preventing the narrowing of blood vessels. A new drug-releasing stent helps prevent blocked arteries.
Millions of Americans have serious behavioral and attention issues. While attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be to blame for many of these issues, another behavioral disorder could also be the culprit.
Does Toking Take a Toll on the Ticker?
Smoking marijuana may increase the chances of heart attack immediately after use. For those who have had a heart attack, continued pot smoking may be linked to a shorter life span.
Doxil Generic Approved to Address Cancer Rx Shortage
Chemotherapy agents have been the hardest hit medications affected by ongoing drug shortages. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a generic form of a commonly used medicine in an effort to resolve one shortage.
What You Don’t Know About Cancer
 “World Cancer Day is a chance to raise our collective voices in the name of improving general knowledge around cancer and dismissing misconceptions about the disease.”
FDA Approval of Generic Doxil is Expected to Help Resolve Shortage
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the first generic version of the cancer drug Doxil (doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection).
Burning Old Electronics Is Bad News
Many electronic devices contain toxic materials, and if incinerated, they can release deadly fumes. These fumes may contain carcinogens that up the risk for lung cancer.
Breast Cancer Survival and the Boob Tube
Watching television and other passive screen activities have been linked to obesity. The act of being inactive and the time devoted to these in-activities are the issue. So does watching the boob tube impact breast cancer survival?
Comparing Rx for Psoriatic Arthritis
Three medicines are most commonly used to treat psoriatic arthritis. But is one better than the others?
MS Risk in the Young and Obese
Children who are obese are at risk of developing a number of diseases. Could multiple sclerosis (MS) be one of those diseases?