Health News

Carbohydrate Connection to Cancer?
Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. Breast cancer, in particular, has been associated with carrying too much weight. Scientists have drilled down on this link.
New Rx for Advanced Multiple Myeloma
Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer that affects nearly 22,000 Americans every year. It develops in mostly older people when plasma cells in the bone marrow grow out of control.
Teenage Waistband: Diabetes Rx May Fight Fat
Teen obesity is a growing health problem. The percentage of US adolescents who are overweight has more than tripled over the last 20 years. One diabetes Rx may help teens lose weight.
Couch Potatoes' Sperm Counts Lower
While you're lazily flipping channels on the remote, your sperm may be lazing about as well. But get up and exercise, and your sperm may get up and going too.
More Sun May Lower Risk of RA
It's still unclear what exactly causes rheumatoid arthritis. As such, it's not entirely clear what steps people can take to prevent the condition. But new research suggests that soaking up the sun may help.
New Type of Radiation Shortens Treatment Time
Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat prostate cancer. Some forms of this therapy can be quite time-consuming, requiring 20 to 40 daily visits. A new type of radiation can reduce that time and possibly improve treatment effectiveness.
Organ Transplant Meds Increase Cancer Risks
The last thing an organ transplant patient needs to worry about is skin cancer. But nearly half of these patients wind up with skin cancer because of the medications they take to ensure their bodies don’t reject the new organ.
Risky Sex Among Military Servicewomen
Research has suggested that women in the military have been less likely to practice safe sex. As more women are joining the military ranks, there may be a need for improved gynecologic care.
Older Motorcycle Riders at Higher Risk
It's no secret that riding a motorcycle can lead to serious injuries during a car crash. But it appears that the age of the riders can make a difference in their injuries.
Stressful Job? Don’t Sweat Cancer Risks
Stress can do all sorts of weird things to the body. Fortunately, job-related stress alone may not be enough to increase the risk of developing cancer.