Health News

Giving Men a Break
Being treated for prostate cancer can be grueling. The side effects of therapy used to block hormones that feed the cancer definitely impact a man’s quality of life. Some relief is in sight, though.
Spare the Knife to Spare a Life, Perhaps
Research is more often showing that all cancers don’t necessarily have to be treated right away. In fact, watchful waiting may be preferable for some tumors. Kidney cancer appears to fall into this category.
Eradicating a Killer Stomach Bug
You don’t hear much about stomach (gastric) cancer in this country. But cancer of the stomach is the second leading cancer-related death in the world. Researchers are looking at ways to prevent this cancer altogether.
Can Diet Affect Overactive Bladder?
Overactive bladder, or OAB, is often an uncomfortable and frustrating condition. OAB can involve symptoms like incontinence (the leakage of urine), feeling the need to urinate urgently and frequently and nocturia (having to get up multiple times during the night to urinate). Thankfully for patients, dietary changes can sometimes help ease unwelcome symptoms.  The National Association for Continence (NAFC) takes care to stress, “There is no ‘diet’ to cure incontinence.”  However, some patients do see an improvement in symptoms by making certain changes.  What works for...
Cleaning Breastfed Baby’s New Teeth
Breastfeeding is a great way to give babies a healthy future. Recently, the dental community has debated about how to keep breastfed babies' teeth healthy. 
Helping Teens Realize: People Can Change
Teenagers aren't exactly known for their level-headedness. Some can develop patterns of hostility or aggression. But a simple lesson might help change those patterns.
When Mom and Dad Play Favorites
While most parents try to treat all their children with the same attention, some will play favorites. The child left in the cold may suffer emotionally, but so might the "favorite" child.
Can Alzheimer’s Therapy Help Heart Patients?
Each year, millions of adults are affected by heart failure—when the heart fails to pump effectively. New therapies have been slow to develop, but Alzheimer’s treatment may offer a solution.
Are Alcoholism and Depression Linked?
We already know that heavy drinking can lead to depression, and that heavy depression can lead to drinking. But does that mean alcoholism and major depression are always linked?
Sunlight Benefits for the Womb
Being born underweight is linked to a variety of possible health problems, including chronic diseases. It's therefore helpful to know ways to reduce the risk of having too-small babies.