Health News

Adult Asthma and Aging
Asthma can be difficult to control at any time of life. New research suggests, however, that older adults living with asthma may have more health issues as they age than younger adults with asthma.
How Does the Flu Spread So Quickly?
During flu season, the flu often seems to spread like wildfire. Recent research gives some insight about how the flu spreads so quickly.
Health Clinics are Helpful
The ER is the first place patients often think of going when there's a dire need for medical attention. But not all emergencies call for that level of care. Using free medical clinics may do the trick.
Mixing Mental Health and Substance Use
If you're treating a teen for mental health, it's important to understand the big picture. The big picture includes how much they drink, smoke or use marijuana.
Eggs May Be OK for the Heart
When it comes to eggs and heart health, the message has been scrambled. While some researchers believe eggs can be bad for the heart, others find no link between heart disease and eating eggs.
Craving a Cigarette? Avoid the Booze
When it’s time to quit smoking, it’s time to eliminate as much temptation as possible. The first week is key to successfully quitting, and avoiding alcohol may really help.
Very Ill May Prefer to Turn Off Heart Device
Like pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are implanted in the chest to regulate arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats). ICDs, however, are programmed to deliver a high-voltage shock to return a heart to a normal beat.
Four Types of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Identified
Triple-negative breast cancer is so tough to beat because there are few treatment options. Scientists have uncovered more about how triple-negative breast cancer behaves, and these findings could improve the outlook for patients.
Get Clean & Love Your Teeth
Drug addicts may neglect brushing, flossing and dentist visits more than the average person. But with poor eating habits, addicts need to take extra care of their teeth and gums.
Celiac: It's in the Intestines
Just because children may eat their vegetables doesn't mean they're always healthy. If kids have celiac disease, they may not be properly digesting their nutrients. And how their intestines stretch out may help tell whether the disease is to blame.