Health News

HIV Patients Need Friendly Health Care
Sticking to a prescribed treatment plan is key for HIV maintenance, but many patients find it hard to get into the swing of things. Doctors and pharmacists may be able to help with the transition.
Stuffed Animals Keep the Pain at Bay
It's no fun to undergo surgery - especially if you're a kid. And perhaps the worst part is feeling pain afterward. Never fear! Playtime is here!
Does It Get Better? Kind of
Gay and lesbian role models often tell gay and lesbian youth that it gets better as you get older. Is it true? Well, there's good news and bad news.
Time for Dinner! Time for Healthy Kids
There's more to a meal than eating. The time spent with family at the dinner table can be good both for the heart and to help keep off the extra pounds.
Violence In & Out of Relationships
Loving and being loved has nothing to do with violence. But physical and sexual violence in intimate relationships is still very common. 
Why Lung Cancer Survival Rates Vary
Living beyond lung cancer is generally tied to the stage at which it’s detected. But what if survival rates weren’t tied to time of diagnosis, but rather where you lived?
FDA Approves Pomalyst for Advanced Multiple Myeloma
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Pomalyst (pomalidomide) to treat patients with multiple myeloma whose disease progressed after being treated with other cancer drugs.
Migraine Prevention With A Headband
Nerve stimulation is an accepted treatment for chronic pain, but is not well understood when it comes to headaches. Researchers are looking at how effective a new stimulation device is at preventing migraines.
Pill-Popping Epidemic in NYC
The word “epidemic” is being used to describe the rising number of prescription painkiller overdoses - perhaps rightfully so, as painkiller overdoses have crept into the top 10 causes of death.
New Strategies for Fighting Chemo Resistance
What if the odds of beating ovarian cancer could be improved by tinkering with existing chemotherapies? Tweaking chemo regimens may help patients who become resistant to initial therapies.