Health News

FDA Warnings Aside, More Eligible for LASIK
In December, the FDA sent letters to some LASIK providers for failing to provide details about the risks of surgery. Overall, however, the procedure is considered safe and more patients than ever can be treated.
Good to Go for Second Pregnancy
The safety of childbirth has increased dramatically over the years. But there are still risks, including hemorrhage. However, a hemorrhage doesn't appear to affect future pregnancies.
Using the Mind to Reduce Inflammation
If you're in pain, you probably don't feel great. If you're emotionally frustrated or upset, it can make your pain worse. So then how do you break the cycle?
You Can’t Quit Too Soon
There’s no time like the present to quit smoking. The longer a person waits to quit, the greater the health risks and the harder it is to quit, especially for cancer patients.
Mystery of Racial Differences in Health Risks
African Americans have a greater risk of hypertension and diabetes. But for unknown reasons, they are less likely to have an irregular heart beat.
Do Women Live Longer With Lumpectomies or Mastectomies?
There’s been a growing trend in America among women with early (stage I or II) breast cancers. Instead of having only the tumor removed with a lumpectomy, women are choosing to have the entire breast removed (mastectomy) for even small cancers. 
Botox Approved for Overactive Bladder
When the typical medicine for frequent bathroom visits doesn't work, Botox may be the answer.
Second-Line Cancer Therapy Extends Lives
Cancers of the esophagus and stomach often require treatment with more than one type of chemotherapy agent. Researchers now know which medication is best if initial, or first-line, therapy fails.
PTSD May Affect Stroke Treatment
Having a stroke can be a traumatic and stressful experience. After a stroke, some people may have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms that interfere with their stroke treatments.
Can DUIs Be Predicted?
Why are some people more likely to drink and drive than others? Is it a cultural issue? New research suggests it may be linked with attitudes about alcohol in the home during the teen years.