Health News

Childhood Cancer Research Growing Up
The goal of personalized therapy is to identify and target a patient’s unique genetic makeup. When it comes to cancer, though, the disease can keep causing new genetic changes. In childhood cancer, this can be particularly challenging.
Goals Not Met by Diabetic Kids
The goal of treating children with type 1 diabetes is to bring blood sugar levels under control. But even with a specialist's care, it may be hard to reach target blood sugar levels.
HIV Positive? Check for Skin Cancer
If you have human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), you may have a higher risk of certain types of skin cancer. With any type of skin cancer, early detection and treatment is the key.
Fatty Acids During Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, your child is what you eat. That may not be news, but it appears that the effects of your diet while pregnant continue after a child is born.
Up the Dose and Decrease Bathroom Urge
Overactive bladder ( OAB ) can send people to the bathroom multiple times a day. While certain medicines can help, some patients may not respond to a low dose and may feel nervous about stepping up the dose size.
Does Folic Acid Increase Your Cancer Risk?
In 1998, the United States began adding folic acid to flour products used in breads, cereals and pastas. The goal was to reduce serious birth defects, such as spina bifida. There has been some concern, though, that folic acid could increase cancer risks.
Who’s Going to Hurt After Cancer Surgery?
While the most common types of breast cancer are usually not painful, treating the disease can be. A new study found that about one in four women being treated suffered persistent pain up to six months after treatment.
The Five Types of Psoriatic Arthritis
If your psoriasis has turned into psoriatic arthritis, you may be feeling some serious joint pain. But your painful joints may not be the same as those of another patient. There are five different types of psoriatic arthritis, and each type affects different joints.
Quit Now, Enjoy an Extra Decade
How about an extra 10 years of life for free? The body can repair a lot of smoking damage, but only if a smoker quits. Kicking the habit changes lives.
From Mama’s Achoo! to Baby’s Asthma
Is stopping to smell the roses a bad idea if you’re eight months pregnant? One rose too many might not be advised.