Health News

Olympians are Not Healthier Than Golfers
Many sports typically include some kind of running activity. Other sports may have a little more finesse. But the energy put into a sport, especially at the Olympic level, doesn't give athletes an edge on their health in the long run.
Tell Me How You Really Feel, Kiddo
Temper tantrums are typical for toddlers ages 2 and 3. They are supposed to get better as children get older. But a child with good language skills may improve even more quickly.
It's Cold, But Working Out is Cool
With the pies and cookies and new toys to play with, it can be pretty hard to keep up that fitness routine over the holidays. No need to wait ' til  after New Year's to exercise, especially with the activities that can be done outside.
Go Ahead, Get Ovaries Screened
Women with higher risk for ovarian cancer are encouraged to go through a rather intense screening process. Fortunately, the screening process isn’t too stressful to bear.
Dangerous Day-Dreaming Drivers
It's not uncommon to "get into the zone" while driving or doing another common activity. It's also common to "zone out." But zoning out while driving can be dangerous.
Spike in Protein Flags Cancer Growth
High levels of certain proteins appear to stimulate tumor growth. Newly discovered proteins can help doctors identify patients who are at increased risk for aggressive prostate cancer.
Best to Treat Stroke Symptoms in a Hospital
Strokes can lead to death or long-term disability. If the symptoms of stroke are caught early and treated, the patient has a much better chance.
To Boldly Go Into Space…Has Risks
Space: the final frontier. Today, a manned mission to Mars is a more realistic possibility than ever. But to boldly go where no man has gone before can take its toll on our brains.
Linking Dementia and Depression?
Aging is a part of life and it can involve changes in the brain. Most do not develop memory problems or depression, but these two things can develop together in some people.
Can Recessions Increase Health Risks?
If you thought the effects of the economic recession were temporary, think again. National unemployment dips may have a surprising long-term effect on the very youngest generations.