Health News

Driving While Drowsy is Dangerous
The dangers of drunk driving receive wide attention. But the dangers of drowsy driving are significant as well. Furthermore, sleepiness while driving may point to other health issues.
Major Depression Does Vary by Age & Gender
Everybody gets a little blue from time to time, but major depressive episodes can be an indicator of future troubles. Recognizing symptoms and getting help early may make a difference.
Abbott's Coronary Stent Approved
US Food and Drug Administration officials have given the green light to Abbott's new drug-eluting stent designed to open blocked coronary arteries and restore blood flow.
Brain Surgery For Seizures Ten Years On
For the 30 percent of epilepsy patients that have difficulty controlling their condition with prescription drugs, surgery is often the recommended option. Studies have shown good results two to five years after the surgery, but what can be expected even further down the line?
Keeping Troublemakers in Line
Do troublemakers stay in line better by working or going to school? Staying busy is a good thing, but work alone may not teach younger teens how to mesh well in society.
Multiple Sclerosis Rx Approved by FDA
EMD Serono , Inc., a subsidiary of Merck KGaA , Darmstadt , Germany, and Pfizer Inc. announced today that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Rebif ® Rebidose ® (interferon beta-1a ), a single-use auto-injector for the self-administration of Rebif , a disease-modifying drug used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS).
Best Surgery Options for Aneurysms?
Most abdominal aortic aneurysms do not have any symptoms and are typically discovered by accident. Treatment requires surgery. In the last ten years, a less invasive surgery has gained popularity.
So Is Being Overweight Bad, or Not?
Being obese is dangerous for your health. And so is being overweight, right? Well, yes. Or no. Or maybe. Or, it kind of depends. The answer is complicated.
Which is Easier to Tame – a Gene or a Lion?
Bladder cancer likes to come back. It’s just one of those high rates of return cancers. Experts may have uncovered a new genetic path for taming this disease. And that would be excellent news.
Chatty Doctors Help Patients Stick to Rx
Some drugs can do wonders to treat chronic diseases like diabetes. However, these drugs may not do much good if they are not taken as prescribed - a problem known as medication non-adherence.