Health News

Why Is Thyroid Cancer Skyrocketing?
Thyroid cancer is usually one folks can live with for a long time. The vast majority – 95 percent – are alive five years after diagnosis. Despite this positive outlook, there’s a disturbing trend with this cancer.
Stop the Bleeding Inside
It's scary losing blood. And bleeding inside the body somewhere along the esophagus, stomach and the upper small intestine can be even scarier. But blood transfusions can help, especially with certain methods.
DIY Test for STD Works
Uh oh, maybe you need to get checked out down there for some not-so-fun disease. A test you can do yourself (with some help) can figure it out and it works very well.
Low Pay, High Blood Pressure?
Stuck in a low-paying job? It's probably not doing your heart any favors. Lower wages have been linked to a greater risk of high blood pressure, particularly among women and younger individuals.
Experts Weigh in on Autism Programs
There are many programs for kids with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ). An expert panel recently created some best practice guidelines for these programs.
Post-Surgery Memory Loss Is Not Dementia
Some people have problems with thinking and memory after having surgery. Researchers wanted to know if having these post-surgery problems was a risk factor for dementia.
Birth Control Pills Under Fire Again
All medications come with risks. But some birth control pills come with more risk than others, leading France to consider limiting some birth control pills' use.
Weight May Not Affect Breast Cancer Survival
We’ve been told time and again that fat kills. Being overweight or obese definitely adds to our risks of developing chronic diseases including cancer. A new study finds, though, that it doesn’t appear to impact cancer survival.
Rebuilding Ways to a Healthy Heart
Heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women. It essentially cuts off supplies that the heart needs to keep pumping. 
From Stomach Aches to Headaches
When the stomach's yearning for food, heads can start aching as well. And it can happen more often among people with stomach problems.