Health News

No Need to Over-Screen
Cervical cancer rates are so low in certain groups, the medical community no longer recommends bothering with routine screening. But in groups at risk, screening rates should be higher.
Diabetes in Pregnancy Can Be Costly
Bringing a baby into this world means more than extra responsibility. It also means extra costs, especially if you have diabetes during pregnancy.
Material "Wood" Replace Damaged or Lost Bone
Remember the images of pirates scraping by with a wood leg? Well, wood may be coming back into fashion for repairing and replacing damaged bones.
Keep Your Mind Sharp: Aprender Español!
Being able to speak two languages has all sorts of benefits. A possible long-term benefit may be surprising, though. You might end up sharper in old age.
Surgery Pain Relief Option for Babies
Babies undergoing surgery require pain relief like anyone else. But morphine can have risky side effects for little bodies. Now a more common pain reliever might help out.
Watch Your Booze Ladies
There is a world of difference between having a cocktail and binging drinking. The body was not designed to process excessive alcohol in short periods of time. Specifcally with women.
We’re Winning the War Against Cancer - Aren’t We?
Medicine and patients are winning the ultimate war against cancer. More people than ever are living beyond cancer. The winning trend, which began in the early 1990s , is still in effect, according to the  Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer.
Lung Cancer Medication Enobosarm Fast-Tracked by the FDA
GTx , Inc. today announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has designated enobosarm ( GTx-024 ) for the prevention and treatment of muscle wasting in patients with non-small cell lung cancer as a Fast Track development program.
Do Alternative Autism Therapies Work?
There are many web sources singing the praises of herbs, vitamins and other alternative therapies for the treatment of autism. Do any of them work? Are they safe?
Sex, Drugs and Parkinson’s
Impulse control is not easy, especially for those with Parkinson’s disease. Recent research has suggested that excessive gambling, shopping, eating and sexuality are symptoms of the disease medication, not the disease itself.