Health News

Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.
Turn Off the TV for Tots
Children under age 2 should not be exposed to television, recommends the American Academy of Pediatricians. However, many parents do not follow this recommendation.
Women Can Take Treatment Like a Man
Women and men have differences in their anatomy. Sometimes these differences can determine what kind of aneurysm treatment they get.
Treatments to Avoid During a Heart Attack
You've no doubt seen ads or been solicited to give blood. There's a good reason. Donated blood for transfusion is an important, life-saving resource that must be used judiciously. When should doctors decide to give it? 
CT Scans Can Miss Minor Bleeds
People with mild brain injuries may have normal scans, but still show symptoms of brain injury. More sophisticated scans can pick up abnormalities, but are more expensive.
What Can Chest Pain Signal When You Exercise?
Ischemic heart disease ( IHD ) affects nearly one in three adults. Keeping it stable by managing symptoms can prevent worsening of the disease.
ICDs: Real World Life Savers
Implanted heart devices have generally fared well in studies. But does that mean it will give everyday Joes a heart boost and added longevity? The latest findings suggest they do.
Behind the Wheel with Dementia
Some reports say that dementia patients may be more likely to have car accidents while driving. But are accidents the reason that people stop driving when they have dementia?
Lifestyle Changes Maximize PAD Surgery Success
Scheduling surgery for a blocked leg artery? You may be able to do more than you think to ensure your procedure is a success. Simple lifestyle changes prior to an operation appear to lower the risk of complications and reduce the chance of a repeat surgery.
Mind Troubles for Non-Diabetics
Even if you don't have diabetes, you may want to keep track of your weight and blood sugar. Researchers have found that these risk factors of diabetes could affect your ability to process thoughts.