Health News

Lights On the Cancer Horizon
Is that a glimmer of light on the brain cancer horizon? Could be. Researchers have found new targets that might turn the lights out on one type of brain cancer.
Cancer Gone in 60 Seconds
Now this is amazing! An international team of researchers has found a way to watch in real time the assassination of cancer. In about a minute, they could literally see liver tumors shrink. How cool is that?
No Link Between Flu Vaccine and Epilepsy
Epileptics are often encouraged to receive flu vaccines because the risk of seizure increases when a patient has the flu. With more focus recently on vaccine safety and side effects, many are wondering if this preventative measure could actually make conditions worse.
Another Puzzle Piece for Expectant Moms
Untreated mental disorders are linked to newborn complications in pregnant women. But taking psychiatric medication has risks too. Again, the old question: What, then, to do?
New FDA Regulations for Food Safety
Salmonella and E. coli outbreaks effect thousands of people every year in the U.S. the The FDA has unveiled proposals to help the food industry prevent future outbreaks.
Antipsychotic Trial for Meth Addicts
As of yet, there is no pill on the market for treating methamphetamine addiction. Researchers will have to continue to test and investigate for a solution.
Challenge Cancer With A Healthy Diet
You’ve got a great coach this year for fulfilling your resolution to eat healthier. Experts at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed a free online healthy eating coaching program that will encourage you throughout the year.
FDA Proposes New Food Safety Standards
The US Food and Drug Administration today proposed two new food safety rules that will help prevent foodborne illness. The proposed rules implement the landmark, bipartisan FDA Food Safety Modernization Act ( FSMA ) and are available for public comment for the next 120 days. The FDA encourages Americans to review and comment on these important proposed rules.
Drug to Help Prematurity Flops
A full pregnancy term is 38 to 40 weeks. If it seems like the baby might come sooner, especially before the 34th week, doctors do what they can to prevent a premature birth.
CT Catches More Early Cancer Cases
Finding lung cancer early on can save lives, but currently there is not an approved method for screening. The percentage of early-stage lung cancers detected via CT scans, however, has risen.