Health News

Diabetes Prevention in Americans
Losing a modest amount of weight through diet and exercise can notably lower diabetes risk. Do such lifestyle changes work for everyone? 
Breathe Easy, At Least On-Campus
Smoking affects everyone in the vicinity. So, when clusters of students and teachers light up after class, everyone on campus has to put up with secondhand smoke. Is that fair?
Potential Side Effects Of Prostate Removal
To treat potentially deadly prostate cancer, the surgical removal of the prostate is sometimes necessary. The procedure can have potential side effects, including a shortened penis.
Diabetics Doing Better after Blood Flow Fix
When drugs aren't doing the trick to relieve pain from narrowed arteries, doctors may recommend procedures to restore blood flow. For diabetes patients undergoing one of these procedures, outcomes seem to have improved.
When Your Aneurysm Needs Surgery
Treating aneurysms requires surgery. Aneurysms are areas of the aorta that are swollen and weakened. If the aneurysm isn't operated on, it can rupture and lead to death.
Pancreatic Cancer Progress
When anything in the body goes into overdrive, trouble usually follows. Genes that are switched to and stay “on” all the time can lead to cancer. A molecular pathway that behaves this way may be a new target for a tough cancer.
Earth to Mars: Are You Awake Out There?
A trip to Mars involves all kinds of challenges for the human body. It would take over a year just to get there and back. How will astronauts' bodies cope in terms of sleep cycles?
Generic Statins as Good as Brand Name
Statins  are medications used for the treatment of high cholesterol. They come in many branded and generic forms. Does it matter which one a physician prescribes?
Beta Blockers May Protect the Brain
High blood pressure has been linked to higher risk of dementia. Using certain high blood pressure drugs may protect the brain from damage.
HPV, Vaccination & Cancer Rates
Prevention of HPV is now easier than ever, with two vaccines for adolescents and young adults. A simple, cost-effective pap smear test can detect early stages of HPV-related cancer too.