Health News

Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiac Death Linked
A little flutter in your heart now and then is nothing to see a doctor about, right? Not necessarily. An irregular heartbeat might be a sign of other heart-related risk factors.
Child Distress and Chest Pain Linked
Few things are as frustrating as having pain and not knowing the cause. That frustration is no less intense for children, including children with chest pain.
Lonely Kids Becoming Smokers
Picking up smoking in adolescence can happen for any number of reasons. But turning into a heavy smoker and staying that way into your 30s , may be the result of low social status.
What To Expect With Thyroid Cancer
Not all cancers are life threatening. That is, people with some forms of cancer will generally have a normal life expectancy. The most common types of thyroid cancers usually don’t affect a patient’s lifespan.
The Walk to Good Health
Take one step forward, two steps back. Take 6,000 steps forward and forget going back, especially when it comes to women's health.
Allergy Drops Not Shots for Tots
Bringing a child to the doctor to get allergy shots can be a traumatic experience for both the child and the caretaker. A new treatment might offer an alternative to the dreaded needles.
New Heart Therapy Ain't All That
New drugs are always tested for safety and effectiveness in trials before the FDA approves them. But this doesn't mean they are effective for everyone for a particular condition.
When Kids Dread the Dentist
Fear of the dentist has been mocked in countless films and TV shows. However, it's a very real concern for many people – especially children. Being afraid of the dentist can lead to long-term problems with oral health.
Heart Failure Drugs Lower Death Rate
Not all heart failure patients are created equal. Some have more severe symptoms, and some are more stable. So researchers need to learn whether medications work in each subgroup of patients.
Reducing Heart Surgery Complications
Blood thinners are commonly given after heart surgery to reduce the risk of blood clots, strokes and other complications. The question is how much they reduce the risk.