Health News

Bigger Kids' Waistline Tied to Skin Problem
Across the globe, kids with chronic itchy skin problems may have to deal with their pant sizes as well. New research shows the growing link between the red, flaky patches in psoriasis and bigger waistlines among children.
Breast Cancer Drug on Route for Melanoma
A phase III trial for a melanoma treatment drug, which is already on the market for breast and lung cancer, has shown promise. The next step is Food and Drug Administration approval for melanoma.
More Than Hot Flashes
Hot flashes are a biggie among middle-aged women. But common effects of menopause can differ around the world. New research has identified a number of different symptoms among menopausal women with osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.
Children's Sleep Times Remain Steady
Insufficient sleep relates to various health problems. These include obesity, mental health problems and academic difficulties for kids. So are teens and kids getting enough sleep? A research team decided to find out using national survey data from three different years.
Does Car Pollution Relate to Autism?
With the increase in cases of autism, researchers are constantly looking for possible causes of the condition. A new study looks at whether air pollution from traffic might play a role.
Blood Thinner Risk Lowered After a Month
It's not uncommon to be prescribed a blood thinner if you have atrial fibrillation. But blood thinners carry their own set of risks, including the possibility of hemorrhage.
Gender Differences in Alzheimer’s
Men and women are different in many ways, and their brains are a bit different, too. So researchers wanted to know how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) affected the brains of men and women.
Know When to Hold 'Em…
Serious gambling problems can destroy the life of a gambler and his loved ones. Researchers are now learning how to tell earlier on who might be more likely to develop a gambling problem.
Keeping Active to Slow Alzheimer’s
An active lifestyle can keep you healthy. Staying active may also slow the loss of brain tissue that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A recent study presented at conference found that the more calories elderly people burned doing physical activities, like yard work, the fewer brain cells they lost.
Bigger, Badder Tooth From Poverty
Keeping your teeth healthy is hard to do, especially when poverty is a factor. And for kids growing up in hard economic times, keeping the entire body healthy is a real challenge.