Health News

How Accurate Are Cancer Scans?
Body scans may just be the wave of the future. They’re far less invasive than biopsy or exploratory surgery. But can they really find cancer in the deep layers of the uterus?
Kids Trump Parents in Healthy Behaviors
Parents think a lot about exercise and a healthy diet – when it comes to their kids. But a recent survey revealed they’re less likely to take care of themselves than non-parents.
Meditation Boosts Heart Health
Meditation may not be high on your to-do list if you have a busy lifestyle. It makes sense to find time to unwind because the added relaxation may offer your heart a boost.
Pains of Parents and Children
Sometimes pain just decides to show up in our bodies seemingly out of nowhere. No warning, no apparent cause. It baffles doctors as much as it baffles us.
Allergic? I Used To Be
Families with allergic children know the routine when it comes to the foods their child has reactions to: avoid, avoid, avoid. New research suggests this doesn’t always have to be the case.
Your Brain on Stress & Drinking
Why do people drink when they’re stressed? And why do some people stop after a drink or two and others let things turn into problem drinking?
Spice it Down
Toothpaste, your favorite pasta dish, a breakfast muffin and a tube of lipstick – what do they all have in common? They all contain spices that some people can be allergic to.
In Your Face Cancer! Healthy Holiday Foods
Holiday eating doesn’t have to be a diet-busting nutritional dread. Fruits and veggies can provide the most flavor and the best cancer-preventing nutrition money can buy.
Is Mammography Harming More Women Than It Saves?
A new study looking at 30 years of screening mammography suggests that we are over-diagnosing breast cancer by about one third – 31 percent. A nationally known breast cancer screening expert and advocate responds to the study by saying, “Enough is enough.”
Complications During and After Surgery
If going under the knife makes you wary, worry more about the time afterwards. New research shows that about 40 percent of surgical complications happen after surgery, with infections and blood clots being the biggest problems.