Health News

Glaucoma: The Eye's Silent Disease
Imagine seeing the world like you're peering through a rolled-up piece of paper. That's life with glaucoma, a common eye disease that causes tunnel vision, and eventually blindness.
Living With a Once Deadly Leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia – CML – is a relatively rare blood cancer that’s diagnosed in about 5,000 Americans every year. It used to be a dire diagnosis with a poor outlook. Not anymore, though.
Food Safety Tips for Your T-Day Turkey
It's stressful to be the person responsible for cooking the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving meal: the turkey. It's got to be tasty, but more importantly, it has to be cooked safely.
Quitting Tougher for Some Pregnant Women
Knowing not to smoke during pregnancy and actually quitting are two different things. It can be very tough to give up smoking, especially if you have other conditions.
Is Your Child the Next Michael Phelps?
What's a good way to help reduce the risk your child will drown? Swim lessons. What's a surprising activity that's linked to better development across many skills? Swim lessons.
Cheers Against Blood Cancers
You’ve probably heard that red wine is good for you. And maybe you’ve also heard that drinking can increase your risks of specific types of cancer. A recent review puts a checkmark in the “alcohol-healthy” column.
More Chemicals, More Time to Pregnancy
Researchers are learning more all the time about how chemicals in the environment affect our bodies. Much research focuses on children and conceiving a child.
Good To The Bone
When lung cancer starts to spread, it often goes to the bone. This is the site of metastasis (spread) for other cancers as well. A comparison of bone medications found one to be superior.
Pneumonia Vaccine Recommended in Europe
A European agency has issued their recommendation for a change in the use of a pneumonia vaccine. The vaccine will now await approval from the European Commission.
Insomnia, Dementia and Sleep Meds
People with sleep problems may be more likely to develop dementia. A recent study found that taking a sleep med for a long time ups the risk.