Health News

Teens Popping Pills
Don’t let the medicine cabinet become a playground of painkillers for teens to abuse. Overdoses from painkillers are becoming far more common than those from heroin and cocaine.
Autism Can Affect Mom’s Mental Health
Caring for a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be tough. Good coping skills may help mothers deal with the stress. A recent study found that mothers of children with ASD reported having higher levels of stress.
Accelerated FDA Review For HER2-Positive Drug
HER2-positive breast cancer is one of the most aggressive forms of the disease. A new treatment option may soon be available to help battle this vicious cancer.
Antidepressant Rinses Away Cancer Pain
Radiation therapy is used to treat head and neck cancers – particularly those that aren’t good candidates for surgery. While effective, this treatment usually leaves painful mouth sores that can take weeks to heal.
Kidney Donor Health and Care Gaps
While kidney transplants can save lives, transplant recipients still face certain risks. And recipients are not the only ones who may face complications; donors may be at risk as well.
Teach ‘Em When They’re Young
Compared to teenagers, it’s easier to get kids to break bad eating habits and start exercising. The earlier kids can learn to be healthy, the better chance they will have of staying that way.
Different Ethnicities, Different Feet
Foot disorders are not the problem of one race alone. However, some races may be more likely than others to develop certain foot disorders. Compared to whites, African Americans were more likely to have foot problems like flat feet or high arches.
Watch For These 5 Factors Before HRT
Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most popular and effective treatments for the symptoms of menopause. But it has been plagued by conflicting information about its risks.
Kids Itchy Now, Asthmatic Later?
Dry, itchy skin and rashes in toddlers over the long-term could be a sign of future breathing problems.
Don't Worry, Be Happy — and Healthy
Got a lot of stress in your life? No biggie. It's not the stress that will affect your health ten years from now. It's how you react to it.