Health News

Heavy and Smoking: An RA Double-Whammy
Both smoking and being overweight can take a huge toll on your body. Combine the two together and you might be in store for serious health problems, particularly arthritis.
The Dangers of Deviations
Cancer radiation therapy is an incredibly intricate procedure that needs to be performed with utter precision for best results. Even the smallest changes can make a difference between success and failure.
UTI Care at Hospitals Lacking
Hospitalized patients often have urinary catheters placed if they are unable to go to the bathroom on their own. But be wary of the care that is given to these catheters.  
Exercise Doesn't Affect Time on Your Rear
Despite the push to get Americans moving, those who do exercise are still sitting too much.
Which Cancer Scan is Best?
With cancer, catching its growth early is always best. Accurate diagnostic tools like scans can mean the difference between catching or missing cancer and whether or not the cancer has spread.
5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risks
We won’t be seeing NFL players wearing pink shoes, gloves, sweatbands, using pink towels and displaying pink ribbons on their helmets for another year now. Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2012 is over.
FDA expands use of Xarelto to treat, reduce recurrence of blood clots
The US Food and Drug Administration today expanded the approved use of Xarelto (rivaroxaban) to include treating deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE), and to reduce the risk of recurrent DVT and PE following initial treatment.
Family Relationships Can Affect Bipolar Disorder
Staying on a medication can be helpful for people with bipolar disorder. But certain aspects of family relationships may also play a role.
Ultrasound Sees Rheumatic Disease
Doctors often use imaging tests to diagnose and keep track of arthritis. One of these imaging tests is becoming more favored by doctors. In response, experts have made recommendations for the best use of the test.
Sjögren's May Make Life Harder
Living with a chronic disease can make daily tasks more difficult than they should be. In a recent study, researchers looked at how Sjögren's syndrome affects patients' ability to function. The study's results highlight the importance of properly managing all aspects of Sjögren's syndrome.