Health News

Can Empathy Be Learned?
Being able to read the expression in someone else’s face may not seem all that important, but research shows that it is a skill that can lead to empathy and positive helping behavior.
Watching Instead Of Cutting Out Cancer
As imaging technology advances, smaller cancers can be detected. What we’re learning – as in the case of prostate cancer – is that surgery doesn’t always have to be the first treatment option.
Quit One for the Team
Would you quit one of your bad habits for $50? What if all of your colleagues got $50 too? Now the pressure is on!
Fruits & Veggies Punch Cancer
Flavonoids , which add color to fruits and vegetables, have been shown to inhibit chronic diseases. Eating a diet rich in these foods may decrease prostate cancer risk as well.
Stroke Possible After Atrial Fibrillation Surgery
Atrial fibrillation is one of the bigger risk factors for having a stroke. So surgery to correct the condition should mean that people are out of the woods as far as stroke risk, right? Not so fast...
RA Drug May Keep Death at Bay
If your rheumatoid arthritis is cramping your ability to do simple daily tasks, medications may help. One arthritis drug may even protect against death.
Anti-Psychotics for Dementia, Yes or No?
Antipsychotic medications can be used to treat aggression and agitation in patients with dementia. They can have some unwanted side effects. But when the meds were stopped for a group of patients, symptoms returned.
Prostate Cancer Has Gene Fortune Tellers
To determine treatment for prostate cancer, doctors may look to a patient’s DNA. How aggressive the disease will be may be predicted by examining gene patterns in blood cells.
Come On Big Money
Do people gamble compulsively because they think they’ll win the next round, or to get rid of the bad feelings from losing the last one? New research points to the latter.
Successful Treatment for Long-Term Atrial Fibrillation Patients
Radiofrequency catheter ablation is a procedure found to aid some patients with a persistent common heart arrhythmia called atrial fibrillation. However little data has been available to indicate how individuals fare in the long run.