Health News

A New Target for Stroke and Alzheimer's Drugs
The discovery of key brain receptors gives researchers new ammunition in finding new and innovative ways to treat Alzheimer's disease and disability from stroke.
Baldness and Hair Loss – Going Extinct?
Baldness could become a choice rather than a begrudging and dreaded part of aging   -  now that we have a better understanding of the chemical conversation process.
HIV and Dementia Connection Explained
Patients living longer with HIV/AIDS are at risk to develop a condition called HIV-associated dementia (HAD). Scientists have discovered that some people diagnosed HAD actually have two genetically different HIV types in their bodies, hiding in a place where HIV has never been seen before.
Staying Healthy for Baby
Good and early prenatal care helps keep you and your baby healthy. The first, and most important, aspect of pregnancy health is to see a physician right away and continue to get regular prenatal medical care.
Keeping the Grim Reaper at Bay
Once lung cancer moves beyond its original site, the prognosis dims. Researchers have discovered that a specific test can be used to identify patients who will benefit from different types of therapy - a finding that offers more personalized care for advanced lung cancer patients.
Micro Molecule Does Big Things for Cancer Growth
Cancer cells grow rapidly and use the body's normal celluar activity against itself. Scientists are looking to something very small to stop the growth of cancerous cells.
Do Smoking Women Weaken Hearts?
Smoking doesn't discriminate -- leading to health risks for anyone who picks up the habit. For women, that risk may be exaggerated after a heart attack.
Oh Spit! Oral Bacteria Linked to Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic cancer typically has no early warning signs or symptoms. That's why it's virtually impossible to catch it early in the disease process.  Recent research may have found a way to fix this dilemma.
Screening for Breast Cancer
In celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness month, dailyRx spoke with one of the nation's leading experts in the area of breast cancer screenings.
FDA approves CFC-free COPD spray
This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its approval of a new inhaler for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).