Health News

Rx Prevents Breast Cancer Survivor Bone Loss
Breast cancer survivors who are taking certain medications are at higher risk for bone loss.  An available drug has been shown to overcome this serious side effect.
Drugs Work Better at Bedtime
For optimum management of high blood pressure, one of the keys may be the time of day that the medication is taken. Taking it at night may help patients better control hypertension.
Statins May Aid Brain Injury Patients
Medication to lower cholesterol may have some unexpected benefits. In older patients, statins to lower cholesterol significantly improve survival rates after a traumatic brain injury.
Young COPD Patients Retire Early
There is some bad news in a tough economic climate. About forty percent of people who suffer from chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) are forced to retire early due to their health.
Battle in Mother's Belly Causes Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy condition that results in high blood pressure and protein in the mother’s urine. Now, research shows that the father’s cells are helping wage a battle in the uterus that leads to preeclampsia.
Blood Test May Indicate Alzheimer's Impact
For many Alzheimer's patients, the disease slowly erodes brain cognition. Others aren't so lucky and the decline can be rapid. The problem is there's been no way to identify those that quickly decline and need aggressive treatment.
Chocolate Lowers Stroke Risk in Women
Tired of hearing about boosting your health through eating fruits and veggies? Then the news that chocolate ranging from hot chocolate to candy bars may be a heart healthy snack for women, should melt in your mouth.
Broccoli is The Real Deal
Many people don’t eat the daily recommended serving of vegetables even though it’s an important part of a well balanced diet. So many supplement, but does it have the same benefits?
100,000 spared from AIDS in India
A new study estimates that 100,000 people in India have avoided HIV over the past five years, as a result of an prevention project targeting high-risk groups.
Marijuana Easing Pain in New Ways
Unfortunately for breast cancer patients, one common side effect of chemotherapy is joint and nerve pain that can limit daily activity. A new study may help ease that pain with marijuana, and it won't get you in trouble.