Health News

Vitamin E Not Good for Prostate Cancer Prevention
Typically the news about vitamin supplements is good, with studies often finding they help prevent diseases and medical conditions. This time, though, the findings aren't so positive.
Banning Tanning Beds
California will be the first state in the nation to put a ban on minors using tanning beds. Skin cancer is a serious threat for many individulas in the short and long term.
Prenatal Vitamin B Helps Babies Talk on Time
Parents are often anxious to hear their children's first words and worry if that first word is late. Taking a particular B vitamin in early pregnancy could keep 'Baby' on track for talking.
Fast Attack on MS
The sooner you treat a disease like multiple sclerosis (MS), the better the outcome, right? Well, that statement appears to be somewhat true.
Up, Up and Away You Go
Coffee is one of the most popular pick me up drinks around. This drink may not be for everyone but it sure is causing a stir with researchers studying stimulant drugs.
Fishy Danger
Nutritionists suggest fish as a healthier choice of protein, but certain fish are high in methylmercury. Methylmercury can be dangerous at high levels - especially for pregnant women.
When Fighting One Disease Causes Another
More and more research is showing a link between breast cancer and diabetes. Yet, only a handful of studies have looked at the relationship between cancer drugs and the risk of diabetes.
Alzheimer's Medication Shows Promise
In a small preliminary study the drug gantenerumab appears to reduce amyloid levels in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
Kids' Kidneys are Safe
Urinary tract infections are thought to increase the risk of kidney disease in children. Yet, the evidence of this link is not strong and researchers are now challenging the notion.
New Study Shows Could Lead to More Effective Prostate Cancer Treatment
For many prostate cancer patients, treatment includes prostate removal followed by rounds of radiation therapy. New advances in radiotherapy may help improve the recovery process for prostate cancer patients.