Health News

For the Bald, Heart Trouble May Be Ahead
Men who are bald or going bald cannot comb over the fact that hair loss may be linked to coronary heart disease.
Using to Cope With Parental Deployment
Using alcohol or drugs during times of stress is the last thing a kid should be doing. But kids admitted to hitting the hard stuff when a parent was away on military deployment.
Mapping the Brain for Cancer Surgery
Surgery to remove brain tumors is a delicate business. In addition to removing the cancer, surgeons must be careful not to damage healthy tissue linked to function. A brain mapping technology may help ease this difficulty.
Juggling Multiple Medications
Too many seniors have been taking trips to the hospital due to bad reactions among multiple prescriptions. Electronic health records may not be the best answer either.
When Little Ones Snore at Night
Kids' snores may seem cute, but they may be a sign of certain problems. Children with breathing difficulties during sleep might have difficulties in the daytime too.
The Dollars for Dementia Add Up Fast
No one on Earth is getting any younger. And with age comes the higher health costs associated with a range of health conditions. Top among them may be dementia.
Film Critic Roger Ebert Dies of Cancer
One day after announcing that his cancer had returned, Roger Ebert has died. The  veteran film critic for the Chicago Sun-Times had battled thyroid and salivary gland cancer for years. He was 70 years old.
Is Bird Flu Back?
The world may have thought that outbreaks of bird flu were behind it, but new cases are landing the flu back in the headlines and landing a few Chinese patients into hospitals.
COPD: Working Out to Breathe In
If you have trouble breathing because of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Be that as it may, exercise is crucial to your lung function and quality of life. So if you don't get up and get moving, you may be letting COPD take control of your life.
Kids' Tummy Fat Makes for Weaker Bones
Being "big boned" as a kid is one thing. But having big bones doesn't mean the bones are strong and dense.