Health News

Dodging Blood Clots During Pregnancy
Blood clots are among the rarer health issues that can occur during pregnancy. Though they are uncommon, it's helpful to know which women are at the highest risk for developing one.
Seniors Not Taking Benzos With Care
Keeping track of when to take which prescriptions can be very confusing. But failing to do so could end in a trip to the hospital. And seniors on psychoactive medications might need to take extra care.
Sleep Hormone Loss Raises Diabetes Risk
Melatonin is key to regulating your wake-sleep cycle, and a lack of this hormone can affect your health in many ways. New research suggests it may even raise your risk of diabetes.
Antidepressant May Ease Cancer Pain
Chemotherapy can and does save lives. These powerful cancer medicines also have side effects that can last years. But an existing medication may come to the rescue.
Heartburn Meds for Any Size
Heavier set individuals are more likely to have acid reflux. But it is unclear whether reflux medicines are enough to stop heartburn and other symptoms in the overweight and obese.
Understanding Postpartum Depression
You've just had a baby. It's the greatest moment of your life, and you love staring into his eyes, right? Or maybe you feel tired and worthless, can't stop crying and resent your child?
Dye Can See Cancer Clearly
Once cancer is detected, the next steps often involve defining the disease. Doctors do what’s called “staging” to determine the extent of the disease. An important part of staging is to learn if the cancer has started to spread.
From Ulcer to Diarrhea
Next time that ulcer acts up, be wary of taking certain medicines while in the hospital. Though stomach antihistamines can reduce the acid, other problems could result.
Screening for Pancreatic Cancer One Molecule at a Time
Right now, there’s no easy way to find pancreatic cancer in its early stages. A new test being studied may change that and the way this disease is treated.
Sunlight's Vitamin for Heavy Teens
In recent decades, obesity rates among children and teens have skyrocketed, putting many young people at risk of diabetes. Research has suggested that a lack of vitamin D may play a role in this risk.