Health News

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Labels May Change
When nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products were first marketed almost 30 years ago to help people stop smoking, there wasn't a lot of data available on how long consumers could safely use them, and whether they could be used in combination with other NRTs or with continued smoking.
Kids' Injuries Are Falling
Though concern about pediatric injuries has increased in recent years, results from a new study may help parents feel a little more at ease about their kids' safety.
Need for Weed Takes Its Toll
People that are dependent on marijuana may be using it to cope with a mental health disorder. Masking mental illness with weed can turn into dependence.
Quit Talk Around Mental Health
Doctors may be more likely to push patients without any mental health indicators to quit smoking. But smoking is harmful to everyone’s health, regardless of mental health status.
Eat Your Eggs, Not Your Wheaties
A bowl of cereal and milk is a classic breakfast option for millions of Americans. So is bacon and eggs. And so is skipping breakfast altogether. Which is best?
Chickenpox Vaccine Rules the Roost
One of the most recent vaccines added to the childhood schedule is the chickenpox vaccine. Enough time has passed to learn more about how effective the vaccine is.
Hyperactive Kid? Help the Parents
If a child shows signs of a problem like ADHD, addressing it early is the best course of action. But what's the most effective way to address this behavior issue in preschoolers?
How Many Teen Girls Are Having Sex?
Designing effective ways to reduce both teen pregnancy and unsafe sex requires knowing how many girls are actually having sex and using contraception.
Alcohol, Suicide and Overdoses
Alcohol has never been known to improve clear-headed decision making. For a person who is thinking about taking their own life, alcohol and medication can make a lethal combo.
Not So Happy With the New Knee
One major consideration when undergoing knee replacement surgery is whether the new knee will actually be an improvement over the original knee.