Health News

Preventing 12,000 Cancer Deaths a Year
The number of Americans who smoke has fallen dramatically over the last several decades. Despite this progress, an estimated 43 million still light up. But increased screening could save thousands of lives.
The Risks for Babies Born to Alcoholics
Alcohol and pregnancy don't mix. And neither does alcoholism and a baby's first year of life. Mothers who don't have alcohol problems are much more likely to see their babies grow up.
Seeking a Crystal Ball for Kids' Hearts
Identifying early warning signs should assist doctors in helping their patients avoid future disease. However, it is possible to look too hard – and not really find anything helpful.
Melanoma Clinical Trials Worth a Shot
Treating melanoma is notoriously tricky. Doctors may hesitate to recommend clinical trials fearing the risks for patients outweigh the rewards. But these fears may be unfounded.
Esophageal Cancer Facts That Defy Logic
Patients who have esophageal cancer can also have what's known as multiple primary cancers (MPC). These cancers appear before or at the same time as the esophageal cancer.
No Codeine for Kids
Children undergoing surgery to remove their tonsils or adenoids should not receive codeine afterward, says the FDA. The agency has issued a warning about codeine for kids.
HIV Testing Recommended for All
Should all people get an HIV test, or just people at high risk? These questions are at the heart of long debate about HIV testing. And the debate may be coming to an end.
Robotic Surgery Seems Safe But Pricey
Robot technology is being used in surgical settings, but can cost a pretty penny. If two surgeries are equally safe, the less expensive procedure may be best.
Mental Meds Don't Match the Chart
Without the correct medical information, mental health patients can miss medication doses or have bad drug interactions. According to a recent study, elderly mental health patients may be taking medications not listed in their charts.
Moms in the Military Doing All Right
Deploying overseas in the military can be stressful for any soldier. So one could imagine it may be even rougher for women who deploy after having a baby.