Health News

Working with Bipolar Disorder
People with bipolar disorder may miss work or lose their jobs because of their symptoms. Researchers wanted to know which symptoms most affected work for people with bipolar disorder.
Stroke Strikes Again with Dementia
When a patient suffers a stroke, he or she has a significant risk of having another one down the road. Knowing which symptoms can predict the second stroke can help docs and families prepare. 
A Tragic Decade for Painkiller Users
More and more people have been tragically dying from painkiller overdoses. Healthcare professionals and public health organizations have started to take preventive actions.
Mom’s Inflammation Linked to Autism
Past research has shown that autism risk was higher when mothers were sick during pregnancy. New research sheds some light on how illness might be affecting autism risk.
Women Who “Fat Talk” and “Old Talk”
People might say out of frustration “I feel fat” or “I feel old.” But for women with eating disorders these types of comments may signal a fixation on young, thin, ideal body images.
Positive Therapy, Positive Outcomes
A positive outlook doesn’t always come naturally. With the right tools, therapists can help patients feel better by helping them see things in a positive light.
Neuropathic Pain Relief - It's Electric!
Scientists have considered deep brain stimulation (DBS) a possible treatment for a hard-to-treat type of nerve pain. In the past, the cost and invasive nature of DBS have made it difficult to conduct medical trials.
Doubt About Steroids for Spinal Stenosis
When patients with spinal stenosis don't want surgery, steroid shots are a common treatment. A recent study tested whether steroid shots were actually helpful over the long-term.
Prostate Cancer Patients Keep Sexual Function
Prostate cancer patients have different treatment options nowadays. Most men probably want treatments that won't harm their overall health or sex life.
Keeping Heartburn on the Down-low
Medicines to decrease heartburn and prevent stomach acid from forming don’t work for everyone. A new method might help fill the void where these medicines leave off.