Health News

Bullying Leaves Its Mark
It's well understood that children can be cruel. Bullying has, unfortunately, always been a part of childhood culture. But that doesn't mean it's no longer harmful once children grow up.
Antioxidants for the Brain
Antioxidants - which are found in foods like soy products, coffee and fruits - have been shown to be healthy substances for the body. Researchers wanted to see if they could also lower risk of dementia and stroke.
Kidney Cancer Patients May Soon Have New Rx
The results of a phase III clinical trial have demonstrated that an investigational drug helped advanced kidney cancer patients live as long as those on the current standard therapy.
Ethnicity's Role in Return of Colon Condition
Treatments for a certain disease of the colon can help to some extent, regardless of patients' ethnic backgrounds. But ethnicity may play a role in whether the colon condition makes a come back.
Uterine Cancer in Baby Boomers
Women from the baby boomer generation may have different lifestyle habits than previous generations. Those habits may change the treatments options of lady baby boomers with uterine cancer.
Statins May Reduce Liver Cancer Risks
Statins have been around for years to help lower cholesterol. Research has suggested that these medicines may help prevent cancer. A new study supports the mounting evidence.
Teaching Kids Not to Use
Kids learn reading, writing and math in school. But it's rare that they're taught to cope with stress and peer pressure. Education could include these life skills to lower substance misuse and abuse.
One Boy, Two Boys, Three Boys, Four!
A Texas couple received an unusual gift this Valentine's Day. They beat the odds of one in 70 million when Tressa Montalvo delivered two pairs of naturally conceived twins.
Getting Older & Getting Happier
According to recent research, people may get happier as they age. But that sense of well-being may be tied to how tough life was while growing up. A good economy may influence later happiness.
Preparing for Orthopedic Surgery
Surgery of any sort requires preparation on the part of the patient. As such, patients who are about to undergo orthopedic surgery must take a number of steps to get ready for the procedure and the recovery process afterward.