Health News

Childhood Experiences and Bipolar Health
Patients with bipolar disorder may develop other health issues. Events from childhood may help show who is at risk for these additional health problems.
Preventing Blood Clots Better Than Not
Who wants to be given a shot every single day for a month after surgery just to prevent the chance of developing a blood clot? People who really don’t want to get blood clots—that’s who.
You’re Never Too Old To Drop A Few
Rates of obesity, as well as risky health factors associated with obesity, increase with age. But is weight loss safe for people over 65? Under medical supervision, the answer is yes.
Cali’s Tobacco Program Works
Smoking cessation programs aren’t cheap, but are they worth the investment? The answer is—absolutely. The years of health gained are worth far more than the cost of getting people to quit.
Safety First: Got To Be 21 to Drink
At 18 years of age, Americans are considered legal adults with rights and responsibilities. So why is 21 the legal drinking age? The tendency to binge drink may have something to do with it.
ED Rx For Treating Sexual Issues
Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects about 30 million men in the United States. Even if men don't have ED, they can still have sexual problems. And they may be reluctant to seek treatment for sex problems until they experience ED.
Substance Use in Teens with ADHD
Kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may have a harder time in life and wind up reaching for substances to cope. Early interventions may improve later habits.
Cancer Risks of Cancer Treatment
You do what you can – what you’re told – to beat the cancer. Chemotherapy is recommended and it works. Years later, though, you’re diagnosed with a blood cancer that could be related to the chemotherapy. Is this really happening?
Kids Dancing Their Way to the ER
Dance is among the most popular activities for children. However, dance offers just as many opportunities for injuries as other sports like soccer or basketball.
A Little Chill Can Be Better for Babies
Couples unable to conceive a child naturally may turn to fertility options. Within fertility treatments, however, couples have a variety of choices to make. Do any make a difference?