Health News

A Step Away From Keeping Breast Cancer Away
One type of breast cancer usually defies treatment. Triple-negative (TN) breast cancer doesn’t have the molecules that drugs can fasten onto and kill. New research has found another route to controlling this aggressive cancer.
Machines Are No Better Than Meds
Strokes caused by clots in blood vessels leading to the brain are typically treated with medications. Medical devices can also be used on clots, but they may offer no advantage over medication.
Keeping Track of CML
Staying on top of a chronic disease is key to staying well. Managing these diseases can be tricky. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a great example.
Healthy Living Reality Check
The rules of healthy living seem simple: don’t smoke, don’t drink too much, exercise often and keep a healthy body weight. But do people really know if they are on the right track?
Extra Caffeine May Mean Smaller Baby
When the sluggishness from being pregnant hits you, it's tempting to brew a cup of coffee. And then another. And another. But does too much caffeine during pregnancy may affect your baby?
Do Positive Cancer Results Need to Be Redefined?
At what point should tests be considered positive for cancer? This may sound like a silly question. Physician scientists, however, don’t have a solid answer when it comes to lung cancer.
Family Problems May Produce Chronic Health Issues
An unstable home could have all sorts of negative outcomes for children. For example, children living in an unstable home may be more likely to have chronic health problems later in life.
At Home with COPD
COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, affects patients’ ability to breathe. Often a result of smoking, COPD includes the conditions emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Is Drinking Related to Cancer?
Studies in the past have shown links between heavy drinking and cancer. Previous research has found drinking red wine fights cancer. But what about just drinking in general?
Sign She's Pregnant? It's in the Hormones
When a woman decides to have a baby, knowing her cycle and the hormones that follow can help.